Des Moines Lawn Care
Signature Lawn and Landscape keeps both residential and commercial lawns looking great throughout Central Iowa.
Weed Control
We have weed control programs that are tailored to your lawn's needs. We identify the types of weeds that are invading your lawn and develop a lawn care plan that will leave your yard looking pristine with beautiful grass. An ongoing plan will ensure that your yard is free from crabgrass, goosegrass, yellow foxtail, thistles, dandelions, wild violets, and clovers. Prevention is the key to a long-lasting, healthy yard.
Insect Control
Put an end to your outdoor pest problems and stop insects from becoming a serious nuisance. We provide an insect control process that can help prevent, eliminate, and control your problem. We offer yard insect control to kill and repel mosquitos, fleas, ticks, and other insects. We also have curative grub and mole control.
Your lawn and the soil need to breathe. The build-up of lawn thatch makes it difficult for your lawn to breathe. Aeration helps control lawn thatch. It also breaks up compacted soil, allowing water and fertilizer to permeate into the root zone. This helps the roots grow deeply and produce a stronger, more vigorous lawn.
Soil Restoration
A degraded soil typically loses its ability to supply food and habitation to living organisms. Characteristics of degraded soil include high salinity, a decline in fertility, a decline in organic matter (leading to a decline in soil structure), soil erodibility, an increase in alkalinity, and acidity. Soil restoration is the process of improving the structure, microbial life, nutrient density, and overall carbon levels of soil to restore the soil back to its natural state. Restoring your soil will create a healthy beautiful lawn. Fire pits are smaller than a fireplace but are just as customizable. There are many structures and options that can be designed for your space.